What is PESEL ?

PESEL (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is a digital code, which is an element of accounting of all people who live in Poland and can use all kinds of public and non-public services. ☝️

Three important facts about the PESEL number:

📌 It’s free.

📌 It is issued on the spot.

📌 Number is permanent, you don’t have to renew it.

How do I get a PESEL?

You can get it from the city administration (Urząd Miasta). In Wrocław you can get it at Plac Nowy Targ 1-8 or Gabrieli Zapolskiej 4.

You must go to the Citizens’ Reception Office with your passport, residence card (if you have one), and rental agreement.

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