In this post, we will continue to share the places we recommend to visit. Read the previous 4 parts of this column here:

📍 Muzeum “Pana Tadeusza” w Kamienicy Pod Złotym Słońcem

Most people walking around Wroclaw’s market square are unaware that one of the apartment buildings houses an original manuscript of the Polish national epic.

A visit to the museum allows you to learn about the work and life of Adam Mickiewicz from birth to death.

📍 Punkty widokowe on Starym Mieście

Two temples with observation decks are located right next to the Market Square..

👀 Punkt widokowy w bazylice mniejszej św. Elżbiety Węgierskiej (tzw. kościół garnizonowy)

The observation tower is open only in the summer season, except for days with heavy rain and strong winds.

You can only climb it by the stairs.

👀 Punkt widokowy w katedrze św. Marii Magdaleny (Mostek Pokutnic)

On the opposite side of the Market Square is the former Evangelical Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, today it belongs to the Polish Catholic Church.

Its two towers are connected at a height of 45 meters by the famous Bridge of Penitents, also known as the Bridge of Witches.

You can climb the Bridge of Repentance every day, all year round.

📍Kolorowe Podwórka na Nadodrzu

A few years ago, this area was quite neglected and did not attract the attention of tourists.

Thanks to the efforts of local activists, it is slowly becoming a fashionable and attractive part of the city.

One of the most recognizable landmarks of this district is the Colorful Courtyard created at ul. Roosevelta. The courtyard walls of several neighboring buildings are decorated with colorful paintings, which were quickly appreciated by tourists.

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